June 28, 2023 – León

After a couple of days on the beach, we moved on to León, Nicaragua. León was at the center of the Nicaraguan revolution and served as the capital when the Sandinistas first started to take over the country. Managua is the capital now. Their role in the revolution is proudly displayed all over the city. We visited the Museum of the Revolution and you get a very different story than the American media presented back in the day. The Sandinistas fought for freedom from the American-supported dictatorship of Somoza and today Nicaragua is a democracy. A pretty noble cause but that is not how the Sandinistas were portrayed in American media, which labeled them as communists. The USA funded the Contras in an attempt to overthrow the Sandinistas after they took over the country but that failed. It has been interesting to hear the Nicaraguan side of the story.

This photo shows the contrasts in Nicaragua where horse and carriage share the road with bicycles, motorcycles, and cars.

Here are some photos of our hotel in León. Sue likes the art and the garden is a peaceful place for breakfast in the morning.

There are murals depicting the glory of the revolution all over León.

We had dinner at this restaurant close to our hotel which actually had a Quebec license plate on the wall. Small world.

Cheers, Chris

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